Sunday 22 September 2013

One month after

I like these times when campus is quiet. When all I can hear is the song of some bird I don't know the name of, and the snoring of my roommate, of whom I do, but won't share here ;)

It's Sunday morning. Lie in day.
But this particular Sunday, I am not catching up on desperately needed sleep.
Instead, I'm sat on my windowsill, reflecting upon the last 30 days, my first month at MUWCI.
Trying to think how I can possibly convey through words the experiences  and emotions of living so far away from everything I know, in such a place as this.
It probably won't work. But I'll give it a shot.

It's scary to think how quickly this month has gone, considering there are now only two and a half left before the end of term. This term, the first of four, in our MUWCI journeys.
After the initial excitement of integration week, along with meeting and getting to know everyone, we started to settle down into our new home, our new lives. (Not that everyday didn't bring a new surprise, of course. In a place like this, where everything is so different, new, and undiscovered, surprises are pretty much routine!)

Now, a month in, with pretty much all our trivenis (non-academic activities) and classes started, we are beginning to find our rhythm. I can't get my head around how different this place is to school back home. In fact, sometimes it's easy for me to forget it's school at all.

I couldn't possibly tell you about everything that has happened since we arrived here. For one, I'd have to go into detail about every day, as each one has been meaningful in one way or another. For two, I hope to describe most aspects of MUWCI in posts to come, over the next two years.

But for one, these first 30 days have confirmed that the diversity of the student body makes a UWC experience what it is. So many backgrounds, cultures, languages I can't make head or tale of, so many people with so many stories to tell.
Out first moth here has seen many late night discussions, sharing experiences, opening our eyes to parts of the world we thought we knew about. Everyone so different, yet perhaps even more strikingly, so similar in so many ways.
I think this aspect of our MUWCI journeys is one we'll always treasure, even when, years from now, the school work is long gone, the photographs faded and other memories buried in the back of our minds.
Because it is this diversity and exposure to so many different people that will shape our lives here at MUWCI, and ultimately shape who we are later in life.

Now, on another note:
Yesterday marked the 32nd International Day of Peace, or World Peace Day.
Here at MUWCI, we celebrated by having a day of action, with the aim of making our beautiful campus more sustainable, and conserving the biodiversity we are so lucky to have.
Similar projects were undertaken worldwide, on large and small scales.

But unfortunately, in other parts of the world, things are not looking so optimistic.
Yesterday, the tragedy in Kenya took us all by surprise.
All over the world, prayers and sympathies are going out towards Nairobi, and the families of the victims in Westgate Shopping Mall. One MUWCI alumnus was eye witness to these events. Please take the time to read this, her account of yesterday's tragedy.

Thank you so much for reading,

Maria xXx

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